About BCLN!
The Brazilian Creative Learning Network (BCLN) is a movement of educators, artists, parents, researchers, entrepreneurs, students, and organizations that encourage transformative education through Creative Learning, offering children and young people throughout Brazil the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
Our Story

Our Story
BCLN was created through a partnership between the Lemann Foundation and MIT to promote Creative Learning in Brazil. We do this by conducting and supporting initiatives, both inside and outside the classroom, that promote holistic development. We take into consideration students' interests and contexts, sparking their desire to learn through activities that are simultaneously stimulating, enjoyable, inclusive, and hands-on!
We work closely with the MIT Media Lab, where Creative Learning originated. In partnership, we develop ideas and initiatives that place students at the center of their own learning process, while they develop as both citizens and professionals.
Our commitment goes beyond written words; it is echoed by the vibrant voices that make up our community.
Resultados esperados com a nossa atuação
A RBAC trabalha em prol de uma educação transformadora, alinhada com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da ONU e do Plano Nacional de Educação, para melhorar os índices nacionais apresentados no PISA, por exemplo.
To create, support, and connect initiatives that make education more creative, enjoyable, relevant, collaborative, and inclusive for children and young people throughout Brazil.
A fair and modern Brazil in which everyone, from an early age, has the opportunity to develop their potential and contribute to the construction of a more meaningful world.
So what is Creative Learning?

So what is Creative Learning?
Developed at the MIT Media Lab, a partner of BCLN since its inception, Creative Learning is a pedagogical approach that promotes the wholistic development of students, placing children and young people at the center of the learning process, taking into account their interests and passions so that they can explore the world and "learn by doing".
A virtuous cycle
To leverage Creative Learning in Brazil, we identify innovative educators who's work is already aligned with ours, both inside and outside schools. Then, we connect these individuals through a series of collaborative initiatives that allow them to improve their practices and elaborate on their ideas in new ways. By giving visibility to their work, we promote Creative Learning and inspire more people to experiment with practices in classrooms and communities. In this way, the movement grows in a continous cycle of engagement, development, and collaboration.
A virtuous cycle

The education ecosystem

The education ecosystem
Children and adolescents are always at the center of BCLN's movement, which includes and supports all those involved in education. We value the contributions of these actors and encourage the exchange of experiences. Only then can we extend the reach of Creative Learning and transform education in a country as vast and diverse as Brazil.
Become a member of our network!
Join us! We are always looking for passionate and committed individuals who want to make a difference. If you share our values and want to get involved, get ready to positively impact the lives of educators, children, youth, and their families. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!
Our Institutional Hub
BCLN relies on a team of dedicated professionals who, alongside hundreds of volunteer facilitators, develop materials, organize initiatives, and provide the necessary infrastructure for Creative Learning to continue to expand with quality and autonomy throughout Brazil.