
Welcome to the Brazilian Creative Learning Network!

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We are BCLN!

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We are BCLN!


A network of educators, researchers, artists, entrepreneurs, youth, and families from all regions of Brazil committed to promoting transformative education through Creative Learning, with activities that are engaging, fun, meaningful, and hands-on for everyone.

Year after year, we try out new things and expand our learnings, and this is reflected in the community.

Our activities have an impact on education. See how knowledge and adoption of Creative Learning are growing in Brazil!

Usuários registrados
Escolas e organizações registradas
Núcleos regionais
Experiências compartilhadas nos Murais

We turn ideas into actions

We promote the exchange of experiences among network members; conduct and participate in trainings and events; produce and support the development of materials; and encourage innovative ways of thinking about education, with or without digital technologies. Our initiatives are the heart of our work.

We turn ideas into actions

Here's how we spread Creative Learning

Our Regional Hubs, present throughout Brazil, are essential for mobilizing educators around the network's initiatives.

Come discover the Hub near you!

We always try to give voice to those who participate in the network

People who are part of the BCLN movement provide us with inspiring stories. Their experiences with Creative Learning illustrate the real impact of our initiatives.

Carin Wagner Rauth - núcleo Curitiba
Carin Wagner Rauth

Hub Curitiba

I used to work as a teacher before joining BCLN, and my classes were always different. I was never the traditional teacher; I always came up with something new. I worked outside the classroom, engaged in projects, and my students always had to build something. Sometimes I had a few teachers I partnered with, who worked alongside me, but I didn't have much support overall. Then I discovered Creative Learning, and when I found the Network, I found the support I was looking for. I realized there were many teachers there who worked in the same way I did, and we could connect.


Iuri Rubim - núcleo Bahia
Iuri Rubim

Hub Bahia

My experience with the Brazilian Creative Learning Network dates back to 2018 when I became a fellow of the Network through the Creative Learning Challenge Brazil. It was a sudden and impactful immersion! I discovered a whole network of educators (whether professionals or not) with whom I identified. I gained conceptual support for some practices I was developing, and I challenged myself to learn more about the universe that was presenting itself.
When I started working at the Anísio Teixeira Institute (IAT) - responsible for training educators in the state - we created the Creative Learning Residencies, a mentoring program that, since 2020, has involved over a thousand educators from all over Brazil. As the general director of IAT, I see Creative Learning spreading more and more in the state's training processes. And in 2023, along with Laísa Brandão, I wrote the book Creative Learning in a Box.

Roberta - Grande ABC
Roberta Nascimento

Hub Grande ABC

I've been with RBAC since 2016. I've always been curious, even from a young age. I enjoyed experimenting and engaging in various art forms so much that I initially aspired to be an art teacher, but ended up delving into technology.
Within the core, we can share knowledge and innovate both inside and outside the classroom. I believe that being around people from the Regional Core provides me with a wide range of work possibilities. We meet many great people, not only teachers but also other educators, technology enthusiasts, innovation advocates, and creative minds. This greatly enriches our pedagogical and professional experience.

Solange - Branquinha AL
Solange Vital

Hub Alagoas

I was already that very restless teacher in the classroom, so I wanted to make a difference, but there's still a lot of confusion between what constitutes a creative class and what Creative Learning is. That's where RBAC helped me. It helped me understand what a class with Creative Learning truly is and how to make my classes more engaging and meaningful for my students, so they could actively participate in the process of co-creation with me.
The training we received from the RBAC team was very helpful. It clarified doubts about Creative Learning, its proposal, and the objectives we wanted to achieve in our classroom. We wanted to make these moments enjoyable.

Become a member of our network!

Join us! We are always looking for passionate and committed individuals who want to make a difference. If you share our values and want to get involved, get ready to positively impact the lives of educators, children, youth, and their families. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Support BCLN!

We value every person willing to help us achieve our goals! Whether you want to contribute individually or represent an interested company or organization, your support is essential for the success of BCLN!

We rely on important partnerships that help us accomplish all of this!

Fundação Scratch
Instituto Catalisador
Vila Sésamo
Atta Tecnologia
Little Maker
Escolas Criativas

BCLN Founders

MIT Media Lab
Fundação Lemann