
Who are we? 

The Brazilian Creative Learning Network (BCLN) is a grassroots movement that promotes and supports the implementation of playful, creative, personally relevant, and inclusive learning practices in schools and non-formal education environments throughout Brazil.

Born in 2015 out of the work of Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, BCLN offers programs, resources and events that inspire, connect and give voice to thousands of educators, researchers, decision makers, entrepreneurs, artists, families and students from all over the country.

Our approach

Our approach

Educational systems must undergo major changes to become more relevant and engaging for students and to better prepare them for a rapidly changing world (United Nations, 2022).

In Brazil, there are many individuals and organizations that are already striving for a more creative and relevant education for all.

BCLN works by identifying these innovative educators within and outside of schools, connecting them to one another, and forging a network of mutual collaboration, practice enhancement, and support.

By bringing visibility to their work, we help educators feel acknowledged for their initiative and also inspire new educators to try ideas in their classrooms and communities. This way, the BCLN movement keeps growing in a self-reinforcing and ever-expanding cycle that aims to reach the entire country while respecting the diverse characteristics of its people.

Programs and initiatives

We promote and strengthen our community through a wide range of initiatives including:

  • Events and campaigns such as Festivals of Invention and Creativity (FIC), Scratch Days and the annual Brazilian Creative Learning Conference

  • Thematic Groups and Regional Hubs for pedagogic innovation and advancement

  • Professional development workshops and discussions.

  • Practical tools and support materials for the community

  • Dissemination and exchange of experiences, through the online portal

Programs and initiatives

A systemic approach to education reform

With the child always at the center, the BCLN movement aims to include and support the different actors in the educational ecosystem.

By recognizing everyone's contributions, facilitating the exchange of experiences, encouraging experimentation and stimulating local adaptations to each context, we believe that a systemic approach is key to transform education in a country as large and diverse as Brazil.

A systemic approach to education reform

Why Creative Learning?

We believe that all people, from young children to adults, should have the opportunity to develop their creative potential and collaborate to build a more meaningful world for themselves and their communities.


Creative Learning is an educational approach that, based on playful and engaging pedagogical practices, promotes more relevant educational opportunities, both inside and outside schools.


Our team

We have a team of professionals who, together with hundreds of volunteer organizers, identifies, connects and promotes the practice of thousands of educators throughout Brazil.

Our partners

To make our actions possible, we count on the support of nationally and internationally renowned organizations

MIT Media Lab
Instituto Catalisador
Scratch Foundation
Fundação Lemann
Escolas Criativas
Want to contribute?
We are looking to expand our group of supporters to strengthen our existing programs and start new ones to reach our ambitious goals of transforming learning experiences for youth across Brazil and beyond.